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third epistle to j praik

guid speed and furder to you, johnie,

guid health, hale han&039;s, an&039; weather bonie;

now, when ye&039;re nick down fu&039; cannie

the staff o&039; bread,

ay ye ne&039;er want a stoup o&039; bran&039;y

to clear your head

ay boreas never thresh your rigs,

nor kick your rickles aff their legs,

send the stuff o&039;er uirs an&039; haggs

like driv wrack;

but ay the tapost gra that wags

e to the sack

i&039; bizzie, too, an&039; skelp at it,

but bitter, daud showers hae wat it;

sae y auld stupie pen i gat it

wi&039; uckle wark,

an&039; took y jocteleg an whatt it,

like ony crk

it&039;s now a onth that i&039; your debtor,

for your braw, naless, dateless letter,

ab for harsh ill-nature

on holy n,

while deil a hair yoursel&039; ye&039;re better,

but air profane

but let the kirk-folk rg their bells,

let&039;s sg about our noble sel&039;s:

we&039;ll cry nae jads frae heathen hills

to help, or roose ;

but browster wives an&039; whisky stills,

they are the es

your friendship, sir, i na at it,

an&039; if ye ak&039; objections at it,

then hand neive day we&039;ll knot it,

an&039; witness take,

an&039; when wi&039; abae we&039;ve wat it

it na break

but if the beast an&039; branks be spar&039;d

till kye be gaun without the herd,

and a&039; the vittel the yard,

an&039; theekit right,

i an your gle-side to guard

ae ter night

then e-spir&039; aa-vitae

shall ake baith sae blythe and witty,

till ye fet ye&039;re auld an&039; gatty,

an&039; be as canty

as ye were ne years less than thretty—

sweet ane an&039; enty!

but stooks are wpit wi&039; the bst,

and now the sn keeks the west,

then i aun r aang t


