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the holy fair 注释标题 “holy fair” is a on phrase the west of stnd for a sacrantal oasion—r b

a robe of seeg truth and trt

hid crafty observation;

and secret hung, with poin&039;d crt,

the dirk of defaation:

a ask that like the get show&039;d,

dye-varyg on the pion;

and for a antle r and broad,

he wrapt hi religion

hypocrisy a--ode

upon a sir sunday orn

when nature&039;s face is fair,

i walked forth to view the rn,

an&039; snuff the caller air

the risg sun owre galston uirs

wi&039; glorio light was glt;

the hares were hirpl down the furrs,

the v&039;rocks they were chant

fu&039; sweet that day

as lightly i glowr&039;d abroad,

to see a scene sae gay,

three hizzies, early at the road,

ca skelp up the way

a had anteeles o&039; dolefu&039; bck,

but ane wi&039; lyart lg;

the third, that gaed a wee a-back,

was the fashion shg

fu&039; gay that day

the a appear&039;d like sisters ,

feature, for, an&039; ces;

their visa wither&039;d, ng an&039; th,

an&039; ur as only ses:

the third ca up, hap-stap-an&039;-lowp,

as light as ony bie,

an&039; wi&039;a curchie low did stoop,

as on as e&039;er she saw ,

fu&039; kd that day

wi&039; bon aff, h i, “sweet ss,

i thk ye see to ken ;

i&039; sure i&039;ve seen that bonie face

but yet i canna na ye”

o&039; she, an&039; ugh as she spak,

an&039; taks by the han&039;s,

“ye, for y sake, hae gien the feck

of a&039; the ten an&039;s

a screed day”

“y na is fun—your cronie dear,

the nearest friend ye hae;

an&039; this is superstitution here,

an&039; that&039;s hypocrisy

i&039; gaun to auchle holy fair,

to spend an hour daff:

g ye&039;ll go there, yon runkl&039;d pair,

we will


