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Th B O D —S V(1 / 1)


the banks o&039; doon—send version

ye flowery banks o&039; bonie doon,

how can ye b sae fair?

how can ye chant, ye little birds,

and i sae fu&039; o care!

thou&039;ll break y heart, thou bonie bird,

that sgs upon the bough!

thou ds o&039; the happy days

when y fae ve was true

thou&039;ll break y heart, thou bonie bird,

that sgs beside thy ate;

for sae i sat, and sae i sang,

and wist na o&039; y fate

aft hae i rov&039;d by bonie doon,

to see the woodbe e;

and ilka bird sang o&039; its ve,

and sae did i o&039; e

wi&039; light heart i pu&039;d a rose,

upon its thorny tree;

but y fae ver staw y rose,

and left the thorn wi&039;

wi&039; light heart i pu&039;d a rose,

upon a orn june;

and sae i flourished on the orn,

and sae was pu&039;d or noon


