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address of beelzebub

to the right honourable the earl of breadalbane, president of the right honourable and honourable the highnd ciety, which t on the 23rd of ay st at the shakespeare, vent garden, to ncert ways and ans to frtrate the designs of five hundred highnders, who, as the ciety were rd by r &039;kenzie of applecross, were audacio as to attept an escape fro their wful lords and asters whose property they were, by eigratg fro the nds of r acdonald of glengary to the wilds of canada, search of that fantastic thg—liberty

long life, y lord, an&039; health be yours,

unskaithed by hunr&039;d highnd boors;

lord grant nae duddie, desperate beggar,

wi&039; dirk, cyore, and rty trigr,

ay auld stnd o&039; a life

she likes—as butchers like a knife

faith you and applecross were right

to keep the highnd hounds sight:

i doubt na! they wad bid nae better,

than let the ance out owre the water,

then up aong thae kes and seas,

they&039;ll ak what rules and ws they please:

darg hancke, or a frankl,

ay set their highnd bid a-rankl;

washgton aga ay head the,

or ontgory, fearless, lead the,

till god knows what ay be effected

when by such heads and hearts directed,

poor dunghill ns of dirt and ire

ay to patrician rights aspire!

nae sa north now, nor sar sackville,

to watch and preier o&039;er the pack vile,—

an&039; whare will ye t howes and cltons

to brg the to a right repentance—

to we the rebel neration,

an&039; save the honour o&039; the nation?

they, an&039; be d-d! what right hae they

to at, or sleep, or light o&039; day?

far less—to riches, pow&039;r, or freedo,

but what your lordship likes to gie the?

but hear, y lord! glengarry, hear!

your hand&039;s owre light to the, i fear;

your factors, grieves, trtees, and bailies,



