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S S O “Th V ”(1 / 3)


suppressed stanza&039;s of “the vision”

after 18th stanza of the text (at “his native nd”):—

with secret throes i arked that earth,

that tta, witness of y birth;

and near i saw, bold issug forth

youthful pride,

a ldsay race of noble worth,

fad far and wide

where, hid behd a spreadg wood,

an ancient pict-built ansion stood,

i spied, aong an anl brood,

a feale pair;

sweet shone their high aternal blood,

and father&039;s air

an ancient tower to ory brought

how dettn&039;s bold hero fought;

still, far fro skg to nought,

it owns a lord

who far western cliates fought,

with trty sword

aong the rest i well uld spy

one galnt, graceful, artial boy,

the ldier sparkled his eye,

a diaond water

i blest that noble bad with joy,

that owned frater

after 20th stanza of the text (at “dispensg good”):—

near by arose a ansion fe

the seat of any a e dive;

not rtic es such as e,

with holly crown&039;d,

but th&039; ancient, tuneful, urell&039;d ne,

fro cssic ground

i ourn&039;d the card that fortune dealt,

to see where bonie whitefoords dwe≈lt;

but other prospects ade lt,

that vil near;

there nature, friendship, love, i felt,

fond-glg, dear!

hail! nature&039;s pang, ore strong than death!

war friendship&039;s glow, like kdlg wrath!

love, dearer than the partg breath

of dyg friend!

not ev&039;n with life&039;s wild devio path,

your force shall end!

the power that gave the ft ars

bloog whitefoord&039;s rosy chars,

still threats the ty, feather&039;d ars,

the barbed dart,

while lovely wilhela wars

the ldest heart

after 21st stanza of the text (at “that, to adore”):—

where gar leaves his oornd pid,

where tely want was


