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M F h W A F(1 / 2)


y father was a farr

tune—“the weaver and his shuttle, o”

y father was a farr upon the carrick border, o,

and carefully he bred decency and order, o;

he bade act a anly part, though i had ne&039;er a farthg, o;

for without an honest anly heart, no an was worth regardg, o

then out to the world y urse i did detere, o;

tho&039; to be rich was not y wish, yet to be great was charg, o;

y talents they were not the worst, nor yet y education, o:

relv&039;d was i at least to try to nd y situation, o

any a way, and va essay, i urted fortune&039;s favour, o;

cae unseen still stept beeen, to frtrate each endeavour, o;

tis by foes i was o&039;erpower&039;d, tis by friends forsaken, o;

and when y hope was at the , i still was worst istaken, o

then re harass&039;d and tir&039;d at st, with fortune&039;s va desion, o,

i dropt y sches, like idle dreas, and ca to this ncsion, o;

the past was bad, and the future hid, its good or ill untried, o;

but the present hour was y pow&039;r, and i would enjoy it, o

no help, nor hope, nor view had i, nor pern to befriend , o;

i t toil, and sweat, and oil, and bour to sta , o;

to plough and w, to reap and ow, y father bred early, o;

for one, he said, to bour bred, was a atch for fortune fairly, o

th all obscure, unknown, and poor, thro&039; life i&039; doo&039;d to wander, o,

till down y weary bones i y everstg sber, o:

no view nor care, but shun whate&039;er ight breed pa or rrow, o;

i live to-day as well&039;s i ay, regardless of to-orrow, o

but cheerful still, i a as well as a onarch his pace, o,

tho&039; fortune&039;s frown still hunts down, with all her wonted alice, o:

i ake deed y daily bread, but ne&039;er can ake it farther, o:

but as daily bread is all i need, i do not uch regard her, o

when tis by y bour, i earn a l


